
See what your competitors don't


Save time, reduce costs, uncover new opportunities and scale your business.

A user-friendly tool that allows you to do everything from identifying trends to building reports and sharing with your colleagues - right in your browser.

The right information - all the time

A user-friendly and web-based interface to Microsoft's OLAP technology enables all employees to create analyzes and reports. With INSIKT Analysis, information can be easily twisted and turned both as charts and numbers by anyone who knows how a normal browser works. Using the tool, the employees themselves can see trends and understand what drives the business. Based on analyses, modifiable reports are created that are easily distributed to other employees or groups of employees.

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Data analysis - fast and easy

INSIKT allows you to twist and turn, drill down, and analyze data. Users choose from predefined reports or create spontaneous reports and analyzes themselves. Information can be broken down to transaction level, for example transactions from the general ledger can be displayed down to voucher level. Despite powerful functionality and great possibilities, the development of INSIKT is based on the basic idea that ordinary users without training should be able to navigate and understand important business data in a simple way.


Comprehensive reporting

Reports and analyzes are created and can be easily saved for distribution to the entire company. From reports, users can follow data down to transactions, comments and scanned invoices. Easily accessible and flexible reporting means that everyone has access to information that enables better and safer decisions. Cost follow-up, sales reports, management reports, own reports or spontaneous questions are made available to employees. Reports are customized using analysis and formatting functionality, sales reports can for example be broken down by products, dates, sellers, profitability, budget deviations and so on.


Some of the advantages


Data becomes decicions

Supporting your decisions with facts is of course one of the absolute biggest advantages of a decision support. Look at historical data, tune the current situation or make future forecasts to ensure the right decision is made.


Available to everyone

Employees have access to data based on their area of ​​responsibility and can see trends and developments. This increases commitment and benefits the entire organization.


Clear visualization

A good decision support gives you the opportunity to create interactive reports where you can present your data with charts or other gauges. It increases understanding and makes the entire organization more efficient.


Powerful analysis

With visualizations, key figures, the ability to zoom in and out, to twist and turn the numbers, many of your employees can participate in the all-important analysis work.


Overview & details

Sometimes you really need to dig into numbers to understand and sometimes it's just the opposite, you need the helicopter perspective to see the bigger picture. A good decision support gives you both possibilities.


Time saved

With automated data capture and automatically updated reports, margins for error are reduced in addition to all the time you gain.

Take control of your data