Båstadhem stays in control over the business through INSIKT
Båstadhem is a public housing company located in Båstad municipality and is also owned by the municipality. In total, the company manages around 1,000 apartments together with all of the municipality's properties.
Båstadhem uses: Analysis, Planning & Project
Less manual work
Lisbeth Nilsson works as CEO at Båstadhem after many years as finance manager in the company.
- Before that, I worked as an authorized accounting consultant, had my own company and rented out mainly to the car industry for 25 years.
During her time as a consultant, Lisbeth was involved in many acquisitions of companies. After that, it was her task to integrate these into the various systems that were in place in order to create a coherent picture. In other words, she has extensive experience in system implementation.
- Previously, we worked in our business system Visma Control together with Excel, so all the budget was done in Excel and also project follow-up was done in Excel. The reports were built based on the business system they had and then they pasted the numbers, or the data into an Excel-ready report document, you could say. So it was a lot of manual labor to key in and retrieve everything.
In 2011, Båstadhem began managing all of the municipality's properties and then had greater demands on itself to be able to keep accounts separate between the municipality's properties and Båstadhem's properties. With greater challenges, a system was needed that could support the business in the expansion and the choice was INSIKT Analysis, INSIKT Planning and INSIKT Project.
- The advantages are the simplicity and precisely this fact that you can drill down and get down to the basics in a simple way.
Lisbeth also highlights the simplicity of gathering all information in one place with both standardized reports and the possibility of being able to twist and turn the data all the way down to the invoice level.
A new challenge
In 2011, Båstadhem began managing all of the municipality's properties and then had greater demands on itself to be able to keep accounts separate between the municipality's properties and Båstadhem's properties. With greater challenges, a system was needed that could support the business in the expansion and the choice was INSIKT Analysis, INSIKT Planning and INSIKT Project.
- The advantages are the simplicity and precisely this fact that you can drill down and get down to the basics in a simple way.
Lisbeth also highlights the simplicity of gathering all information in one place with both standardized reports and the possibility of being able to twist and turn the data all the way down to the invoice level.
Why does a housing association need decision support?
The advantages of decision support are many, not least for companies in the real estate industry. Lisbeth herself places extra emphasis on being able to effectively follow up on the company's values.
- Because we often need to be able to follow up both at property level but at the same time also key figures at a higher level in the organization.
Båstadhem also uses INSIKT Rent and INSIKT Component. There, they receive a systematic rental payment and a facility register directly in the browser where they can manage their component depreciation.
Båstadhem uses
A user-friendly tool that allows you to do everything from identifying trends to building reports and sharing with your colleagues - right in your browser.
Everything you need for accurate planning. Through the product's web interface, you can involve the entire organization and streamline your work.
Project is a comprehensive tool for project management. The tool supports the entire project needs of the business, regardless of whether it is small administrative projects or large investment projects.